Even as a child, Darla was known to be compassionate. In her family’s journeys, she was always the one who girded up alongside of others and truly supported them. She thought this skill meant that she was a good communicator and pursued a communications major. When that career path didn’t fill her drive to help others, Darla circled back to her innate quality of “being there” for others who were struggling and got a counseling degree. She started her adventure as a therapist in residential treatment for troubled teens. But the mountains were calling her – the mountains and a mountain man she met while attending Denver Seminary. So, therapy was set aside for a while as she focused on building a family, homeschooling, and filling the role of worship pastor wife. Music is a huge part of their family life – the boys have performed various parts in the local Breckenridge Backstage Theater productions.
But then, Darla met Dr. Veronica one fateful afternoon at Dillon Community Church, and Darla remembered her true purpose of supporting others. At Envision, Darla can be the listener, the optimist, the compass pointed to the true North of hope and infuse some humor along the way. Her favorite thing about being a therapist? Darla receives encouragement and blessing as her clients learn and grow! But she harbors one fear about providing therapy: the dreaded post-lunch nap force. I mean, we all struggle with that some days – shouldn’t there be a nap time in adult world?? Darla loves providing therapy and says the only other career that could entice her away would be: Travel Critic! Seeing the world and discovering all it’s beauty on someone else’s dime does sound AMAZING.
Ok, on with the personal deets and here is where it gets very strange. The Schmidts are a Colorado mountain family that does not own a dog. Isn’t that required by some Colorado code?? However, they do own a very, and I quote, “big, fluffy, fat COVID hamster named Ranger Meatball.” At least they have something with fur! More must-know facts about Darla: 1) Guilty Pleasure: PBS, Masterpiece Theater or True Crime TV. 2) Personal Motto: Believe the best about people! (Although, when she polled her boys – they said her daily mantra was “Be quiet!”). and finally, 3) Darla’s Favorite Quote: “That’s not even a word!” – Monica, from Friends.