Christin is a true, native Colorado girl. She grew up on a farm, has an affinity for adventure and has dubbed herself as an ultimate tree hugger. Even so far as to be melancholy, read that as crying, when cutting down the family Christmas tree. When discussions come up to move elsewhere, this native just cannot be convinced that the grass is greener anywhere else.
Christin has been able to put her nurturing spirit into a career in the medical field. After 25 years of success and evolution in the industry, there was one glaring deficit that Christin just couldn’t bear. After working with cancer patients and dreading the true lack of mental health support, Christin was motivated to earn her Masters Degree in Counseling. Now at Envision, Christin could transform and foster good health from the heart. She could now be a guide for clients on their journey to being mentally healthy and a coach for her clients to put real life skills into practice in their every day lives. Her favorite part of being a therapist? Christin loves to watch her clients develop into the person God intended them to be and enjoying every small victory along the way with them.
But what makes Christin get out of bed in the morning you ask? “The Grace of God” says Christin….and of course, “environmentally friendly coffee products.” When asked if she would switch places with any other job she answered quickly — “fighter pilot! (because of the G force adrenaline),” but then also added “or a librarian.” In one sentence, we went from Maverick in Top Gun to Belle in the library scene in Beauty and the Beast. I asked Christin for her most memorable face-palm moment as a therapist and she shared a tragic, yet hilarious moment of missing the landing on her chair in front of a client. Ah well, we are all reminded of our humanity regularly. That moment goes well with her favorite mantra – “If you are going to fall, falling forward has you falling in the right direction.”
Christin happily lives with her sweet little family on some acreage, seemingly staying true to her roots. But alas, there are no farm animals, just their pups Fenway and Sadie and some indoor bunnies. She feels her greatest achievement is being a mom and her downtime is spent watching the kids play sports or traveling.
Guilty pleasures you ask? Whopper with cheese please and then let’s live dangerously by riding some sketchy carnival rides! But all the adventure and thrill seeking stops at the edge of the ocean. Christin is a beach lover for the sun and sand – but all that dark, creature infested water is a no-go for her. Since I am unable to end any interview without a favorite quote, I leave you with a good one from Christin –
“Nobody puts Baby in a corner!” – Patrick Swayze, Dirty Dancing