There is no better way to round out 2022 than with our awesome therapist Paige! Paige started in the exercise industry as an athletic trainer and a physical therapist. The science behind exercise and taking care of your body did, and still does fascinate her. In fact, she even weaves it into her sessions with clients. After all, there is a lot of data to back up the connection of your body health helping your mental health. Paige has even developed a company with her best friend called SheRise. It is a transformational experience for women, created by women, that incorporates just that!
Paige decided to pursue becoming a therapist after her own journey in therapy. Her favorite part of being a therapist? The relationships that form with amazing people in their journey to being their best selves. Paige also loves the culture at Envision – she loves the people at Envision – “coming to work here is a really good part of this whole thing”, she says. Paige sees her role as a therapist as being a loving presence and a collaborator on a journey. A coach and companion for the progress that lies ahead for her clients. If Paige could switch jobs with anyone else who might it be? “Beth Moore! She is a writer, a speaker, a lover of Jesus, a supporter of women and has really great blonde hair!” An embarrassing moment in therapy? In the spirit of responsible reusing, Paige had lost count of how many times she had been responsible and regrettably it became one too many as the bottom of her hot tea cup disentigrated. Oh well, sometimes being responsible….um…burns?
Now on to my favorite part – all the personal stuff. Paige’s guilty pleasures, in no particular order I’m sure, cocktails, girl time, chocolate and The Bachelor TV show. What gets Paige out of bed in the morning? (If you can even call it morning in the pitch black at 3:50AM!!!!). These answers are in a very particular order: 1) coffee in, 2) diffuser on, 3) meditate and journaling and then 4) yoga. Do you what I am doing at 3:50AM? Rolling over. Her biggest accomplishment she feels is personal, not professional, her 24 year marriage to her husband Jeff and their three awesome kiddos – Graeme, Henri and Maggie. The Smith family spends alot of time adventuring – trail running, mountain biking, hiking, road tripping and outdoor living. Her personal mantra? “All is well, all is always well”. And of course, the closing favorite movie quote…”Big mistake. Big. HUGE.” – Julia Roberts, Pretty Woman
Note: Paige no longer works at Envision Counseling Clinic, as of March 1st, 2024.