A WORD FROM Dr Veronica…
When we have differences with others, it can be very tempting to communicate our concerns to or through someone else. It’s easy to mention the frustration to someone else, and it may even seem like the problem would be resolved if you could just get it off your chest. While it might feel a little better, these indirect communication can cause other problems (aka drama). Surely you have had the experience of saying a frustration about someone and that person happens to be standing right behind you. No? Maybe I’m just lucky.
Direct communication is hard; it is the essence of confrontation. It’s so vulnerable! Very few of us intentionally choose to enter into such discomfort. Yet, it’s better. Directly speaking to someone when we’ve been hurt or frustrated offers the possibility of reconnection and resolution. There is a possibility you’ll learn more of the story which can help to make sense of what the other person did or didn’t do. It can help heal the hurt that happened and relax the frustration. Consider talking it out – just be sure to take humility with you.
Meet Shae!

She recently joined our team of therapists and sees clients at our Centennial location. She decided to become a therapist after much prayer and much thinking – and after a whole career in Real Estate. Shae is a Colorado native that grew up in Hawaii. She is back in Colorado to put down newlywed roots with her husband, Brian.
Going through an intense journey of therapy herself, Shae knew that she had a testimony that would help others. She has walked the road to successful sobriety and is proud of the relationships with family, friends and God she cultivated and maintains today. Shae sees her role as a therapist as being a sounding board and a helper. Shae feels so grateful for the honor and privilege of sitting with people in their “mess”. She considers every appointment an intentional Divine appointment. Having an opportunity to help someone that may be suffering is what gets her out of bed in the morning.Meanwhile, in opposite town – if Shae could do anything on earth – she said, even though she can’t carry a tune in a bucket, she would be a super famous hip hop/pop singer! She mentioned that she already has the diva part down with her need for having at least 5 flavor options of sparkling water in her fridge. Always.
Now, let’s get into all the personal stuff. Shae’s motto is “by the grace of God, there I go”. Guilty pleasure beyond the 72 sparkling waters? Gummy bears with Tajin??!? Most embarrasing moment? Falling off the treadmill during an Orange Theory class (I would pay good money to see that). When Shae isn’t at work, you will find her spending time with people she can’t ever get enough time with, working out and sleeping.
And of course, the closing favorite movie quote…
“You’re killing me, Smalls.” – Patrick Renna, Sandlot
We are here for you – call today to get on the schedule!