Reducing Anxiety

Transcript: We are moving toward opening up our communities once again.   Like I’ve said in the past, I’m not able to give medical advice re: medical conditions.  However, I can speak to anxiety and fear.   Anytime we’ve avoiding something that has us concerned, we actually increase our anxieties.  As a country we’ve been…

Let’s Talk About Masks

Let’s talk about masks. A timely topic, don’t you think? If you are as old as I am, you may remember the Lone Ranger television series. The climax of each episode was when people would stare off at the Lone Ranger as he rode away, asking “Who was that masked man?” I chuckle at how…

Shame Lies

I work a lot with folks who battle with shame.  A key truth about shame is that it lies.  But the lies it comes up with are super sophisticated: they are based on truth – but only a very little bit of truth.  Then shame brings our focus to only see that one…

From Polarizing to Loving

From Polarizing to Loving There is a human reaction that occurs in every society:  Polarization. One person steps to one side of an issue, and the other person – feeling the need to bring balance – steps to the other side.   The first person may feel unheard, or may simply feel the…