Think about Such Things

                   I find myself thinking about something these days.  I’ll let you guess what it is.  I talk about it, I read emails about it, I make decisions based on it, I consider how others are reacting to it, my shopping is affected by it, my activities are affected by it, my…

Free 30-minute Consultations!

Are you battling anxiety over coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it will affect you and your family? Would you like to talk to a professional counselor and learn coping strategies for your specific situation? Our team of counselors have volunteered to do free one-time 30 minute phone consultations for anyone living in…

Misunderstandings: The Most Amazing Thing

  I have experienced the most amazing thing:  a complete misunderstanding.  Actually, many, many misunderstandings.  It’s amazing how misunderstandings happen and how often they happen.  Let me give you an example:  I wanted something from my husband and let him know (I’ll spare you the details…just assume I’m right).  My husband responded with what I would describe as…

Building Stress Wood in our Children

Trees are fascinating. In normal conditions, trees develop something called “reaction wood” or “stress wood” which develops as a result of being pulled or blown in one direction or another.  The stress wood strengthens the tree and it keeps the tree from continuing to grow in directions that would ultimately hurt it. In…