Written by Marissa Halstead

Part of being human is the need to cope with the stressors that life throws at you. Typically when life is going smoothly it’s harder to see what our coping skills are since we don’t need them. Unfortunately, we will all deal with stressful and painful events in life. How we respond during these times in life reveal what our coping skills are. Coping skills can be defined as anything that someone does to deal with stress or pain. Coping skills are often thoughts and behaviors that help reduce unpleasant emotions.
Unhealthy Coping
What we do (or don’t do) to cope in life is often taught or “caught” sometime in childhood. Some examples of unhealthy coping are:
- Passive aggressive behavior (subtle digs to another person)
- Defensiveness
- Over/Under eating
- Criticizing yourself or others
- Stonewalling (the silent treatment)
- Impulse spending
- Using drugs/alcohol in excess
- Biting fingernails
There are many more ways of unhealthy coping, but these are some of the most common. Oftentimes unhealthy coping patterns are used as a distraction from the stress that we feel on the inside. In an attempt to protect ourselves from discomfort, we mistreat others or ourselves. Without getting to the root of the issue that is causing our stress, our unhealthy coping will never be enough.
Healthy Coping
Thankfully, there are healthy ways to cope through the stressors of life that actually deal with the stress head-on. Instead of avoiding the discomfort that stress can cause, we can embrace and move through the stress to find a resolution. Some examples of healthy coping skills are:
- Talking about it (friends, family, counseling)
- Deep breathing
- Meditation
- Exercise
- Reflection and journaling
- Sleep hygiene
- Prayer
- Making changes
All of these healthy coping skills take care of the body. Often in unhealthy coping, we choose to ignore our emotions and end up mistreating our bodies in the process. With healthy coping skills we are choosing to honor our emotions and therefore respect our bodies in the process too.
If any of this information has resonated with you, do not wait any longer to take control of your life and deal with your stress head-on. The great news is that our brains and bodies can change and heal. Reach out to Envision today!