About to tie the knot?
Premarital counseling helps you answer the question: “Am I prepared for and committed to whatever might happen in marriage with this person at this time in my life?”
In order to best envision what marriage may present for each specific couple, our therapists listen to their stories as individuals and as a couple. We look for patterns and differences, which will likely present themselves after marriage. We explore what might lie ahead for the couple, so they can enter in with eyes wide open.
Some topics that may be helpful to you in premarital counseling:
- Expectations
- Communication
- Reasons you are entering marriage
- Fears
- Finances
- Sex
- Masculinity and femininity
- In-Laws
- Children/Step-parenting
- Spirituality
Premarital counseling at Envision is not a relationship class that offers general information that may or may not apply to you. Our therapists focus on you and your relationship – the strengths that you have to offer and the challenges you want to be aware of.
Couples generally attend between 5 and 10 sessions for premarital counseling – so plan ahead and work the cost into your wedding budget. What you learn in counseling will far outlast your wedding cake and flowers – and you’ll use the information far more often than your wedding dress!
Call today at 720-WELCOME (720-935-2663) or contact us for more information.
Providers With This Specialty
Veronica Johnson, Psy.D.
Jessica Snedker, M.A., LPC – Prepare/Enrich Certified
Natalie Van Dusen, Psy.D. – Prepare/Enrich Certified
Marissa Halstead, M.A., LPC
Ann Stager, M.A., LPCC – Prepare/Enrich Certified
Joy McGowan, M.A., LPCC