These videos are classified as Private in YouTube, so we need to grant you permission to watch them. Please contact Jessie with the name(s) of the videos you’d like to have access to. You will need to give her your gmail address in order to get access.
Collecting Fees from Clients (Watch Video)
Archiving Clients Training Video (Watch Video)
- Termination Procedures
- Termination File Audit Form
- Termination Summary Instructions
- Exit Survey
- Termination Summary Form (for returning clients)
Telemental Health Training Video (Watch Video)
- Risk Benefit Analysis
- TMH Informed Consent
- TMH Recovery and Safety Plan
- Info to give clients
- 2019 Policies about TMH (pp. 10-15)
Progress Notes Training (Watch Video)
- Progress Notes Training Handout (HOW to keep records)
- Paperwork-Checklist (WHAT records we keep)
- Reasoning Behind what Records we Keep (WHY we keep these records)
- Mandatory Reporting Handout (What to ask in a CRISIS)
- How to Handle No Shows and Cancellations in TheraNest