Written by Marissa Halstead

The holidays are quickly approaching and with them stress is not far behind! This can be confusing especially since the holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, peace, and love. Holidays can be challenging due to societal expectations, colder weather, shorter daylight hours, and even your mental health in general. You might feel as if you are the only one that gets stressed around the holidays, but I can assure you, this is not the case!
There are often deadlines around the holidays since so many things need to get done. If you are hosting the family gathering, you need to cook, clean, and have the added social pressure of hosting. Delegating tasks to other members of your family can help ease the stress so that you do not feel as if you are doing everything on your own. You can have your spouse and children help cook and clean your house and assign other family members to pick up some of the groceries for the meal. People often want to help, but just don’t know how.
Similarly, there is often a large financial burden around the holidays. There are decorations, gifts, food, and more; it can feel never ending. You might feel the pressure to buy every single family member a gift or buy your kids the newest and coolest gadget. It might seem cheesy and obvious, but it is helpful to remember that the holidays are not all about the gifts. The time you have with your loved ones is priceless and that does not have to involve draining your bank account. Gift giving should not leave you with a major financial burden, despite what the commercials tell you.
Another source of stress is the people we spend the holidays with, often our families! Many families have one family member that talks too much, shares too much information, or might just have an overall combative personality. These family members can be particularly stressful when you worked so hard to get everything together and it seems like all your hard work went out the window. Especially if you are hosting the holiday celebration, you can talk with your family and set boundaries on topics that are discussed. No controversial topics allowed! Emphasize how much you want to enjoy just being with everyone, despite the differences you all hold.
Remember – you are not alone in your stress! Talk about your stress with friends, say “no” when the commitment would be too much, and take breaks when you can.
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